Self care is a hot topic right now, but it's not something that is new. Self care builds resiliency and we all need some resiliency right now, don't you think?
I was in a meeting this morning and the subject of self care came up and, a little bit later, the subject of caring for dogs came up and my brain decided that I had to connect the two. Yea...that's my brain for ya. So, let's explore how you can practice self care AND include your dog
Please note...I am not a trained psychologist, so if you are having darker thoughts than usual, are considering or are currently engaging in self harm, or are having suicidal thoughts, please reach out for help. There's no shame in asking for help.
Self Care Tips for You and Your Dog
Exercise - We all know the benefits of exercising. Even a walk around the block is good for you. Turns out, it's good for your dog too. Why not walk together? If you have a dog that enjoys going slow and sniffing every little thing, then incorporate some breath work as he sniffs or create a short stretching routine so as he sniffs, you stretch.
 Learn Something New Together - Both you and your dog can benefit from learning something new. It leads to mental stimulation for both of you and, it may take your mind off of things for a while.
Pet Massage - As long as your dog is okay with a massage, that is. Start between her eyes, with your thumbs, making little circles all the way up over her skull and then down her spine. Light pressure, please.
Take A Nap Together - The simple pleasure of a nap can not be overstated, but have you tried napping with your dog?
Meditate Together - I try really hard to meditate. My brain doesn't always cooperate, but, I have found, that if I sit with my dog, it's easier. I don't know if she is meditating with me, but generally, if I focus on HER breathing, I can slow my own breathing and begin to regulate my emotions. It works with my cat too.
Plan a Play Date with Friends - Does your dog have a best friend? Plan a play date for your dog and her friend! Maybe invite your favorite dog photographer too. =)
Cuddle -Be sure your dog is okay with it before you wrap your arms around her. Even dogs should be allowed to give consent.
Join A Dog Walking Club - If you don't have one in your area, form one. It doesn't have to be fancy. Just a group of like minded dog lovers walker their dogs together.
Be Optimistic - stay positive like your dog who thinks there is a cheese tax to pay every time you walk into the kitchen. Expect good things and soon, you will find them
My dog is my self care.